Marine Waste Management

Marine Waste Management

The growing trend towards environmental protection has seen a global shift in attitudes towards how we dispose of our waste. The plastic debate alone sees some 8 million tons of plastic left floating in the oceans, every year. When we add yacht food waste, chemical leaks, and marine plastics together the problem becomes infinitely compounded.

It is only by taking a firm grasp on marine waste management solutions on a global level that we can protect marine life for future generations. The current levels of water pollutants mean that 87% of the world’s oceans are dying. This raises long term health risks, has the potential to severely hinder the food chain, and might even lead to the mass extinction of thousands of species.

In short: we need to start making marine waste disposal a top priority if we want to reverse this damage.

Prioritising Marine Waste Disposal

Marine Debris, also known as marine litter, has been brought to the forefront of public focus by the recent Climate Crisis. Marine life around the planet is being found dead; whales with plastic in their stomachs, and turtles who have grown around plastic can packaging. Recent years have seen an increase in the way that we handle this waste.

When it was discovered that an island of plastic was floating around in our oceans, people around the world made an effort to help clean it up. Beaches are consistently litter picked, some even seeing the reintroduction of species. This drive has seen marine clean up firms arise, many of them using new types of technology to skim the surface of water and collect marine waste.

Marine Plastic Management

Some of the new ‘robots’ designed to clean plastics from the ocean work by swallowing it as they propel along the surface of the water. The plastic is often then fed into a marine waste compactor, where it can be properly disposed of or recycled.

One terrific example of these marine plastic swallowing robots, from the UK, is the ‘Shark’ which was deployed from Devon in March this year. It eats through around 15 tonnes of plastic waste, and is the brainchild of a Dutch technology firm. The Shark operates for five days a week and is capable of sucking in 132 pounds of plastic at a time.

While marine litter collecting robots are a brilliant start – the global marine waste problem is much bigger than they are capable of swallowing. More needs to be done in the area of marine plastic management to prevent the build-up of plastics to begin with… but until then marine waste disposal will focus on compacting trash down and sending it to the relevant places.

Yacht Food Waste

Another unlikely contributor to the state of our oceans comes from shipping. Of this, we here at Tony Team can make a valid contribution to sustainability. Our food waste management systems are portable enough to be placed on board your yacht, thereby erasing the waste that enters the waterways.

Waste runoff, marine litter and yacht food waste, all contribute to the slow-but-steady poisoning of the natural habitats our marine life enjoy. Dropping any waste from your yacht or boat into the waterways is contributing to dumping, and may harm or kill the animals there. This is a serious worldwide problem to which we have the solution already.

Our food waste bins will chemically dissolve the food debris placed inside over time. Eventually, all that will be left is grey water, which will filter harmlessly back into the sea when processed.

Using this more sustainable yacht food waste management solution; you will never need to carry another rubbish bag on board your boat.

Our yacht food waste disposal bins can be placed anywhere on board a ship to increase efficiency of the vessel. We may not be able to stop litter ending up in our oceans; but we can make food waste at sea a thing of the past.

Marine Waste Disposal from Tony Team

As well as our investments and provisions for compost creation; Tony Team are directly involved in marine waste disposal on a more integral level. We have been supplying marine waste compactors as an ideal tool for helping ocean clean-up efforts, and these waste compactors can make the maximum use of their space and equipment.

Our marine waste compactor systems can be used both commercially and for smaller projects. They can be applied to either regular marine plastics or to recyclable materials. They make the transportation of any waste collected cheaper, more efficient, and cost less in carbon emissions.

Through using this technology we can provide organisations around the UK with the means to clean up their waterways for good. It is not just the clean-up of the oceans that is needed; but also a safe and functional way in which we can dispose of the marine waste in the most environmentally positive manner possible. We believe that a Tony Team marine waste compactor allows you to do this on an individual level.

With enough focus on technology and by using the tools we have to better our planet; a global ocean clean-up has a serious, very real chance of success in the coming years. If you wish to join the fight and contribute to the cause, you can contact us now to hire a marine waste compactor of your own. You can even request a call back and one of our dedicated team can advise you over the phone.

The Future of Marine Waste Disposal Starts Here

With the climate in crisis there is no longer any time to pass the blame, or to war over whose fault it is. We must act now to prevent a global loss of marine life. On the edge of the next mass-extinction; marine plastics are being drawn into the spotlight, and our waterways are finally being cleaned up. We have the technology and the drive to change the future. All that is necessary is for corporations, individuals, and governments around the world to take advantage of it – and make the change.

Dare we have a little hope? Here at Tony Team, we even have the products that inspire it.

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